
Pulsor® Ultima Family

astral bodies brain wave frequencies cellular level center energy circuit circulation enhancement delta brainwave delta pulsor delta thunderbolts distance healing distance healing techniques emotional body empathetic cleansing energy meridians etheric bodies heart center hybrid pulsor infra gold pulsor jet lag relief kidney pain leg cramps meditative state mental bodies negative energies pelvic center polarity centers pulsor radiance technique sciatica treatment self-spinning pulsor spinal alignment spine clearing super silver theta super silver thetas theta meditation thetas throat chakra thunderbolts ultima family ultima pulsors vortex & polarity centers vortex centers

Embark on an awe-inspiring journey into the complex yet captivating world of Ultima Pulsors! This comprehensive course is designed to guide you through the foundational principles, advanced techniques, and ethereal dimensions that make Ultima Pulsors a revolutionary field.

You'll start by exploring the basic vortex and polarity centers, laying the groundwork for your deeper understanding. Then, you'll transition into the intriguing spiritual aspects, diving into theta meditation and the ethereal "chill" that accompanies deep spiritual experiences. Finally, you'll master advanced techniques involving pyramids, super silver thetas, and celestial elements like red and blue angels.

Key Takeaways:

  • Mastery of fundamental Ultima Pulsors concepts like vortex and polarity centers.
  • Deep insight into the spiritual dimensions, including theta meditation and spiritual energy.
  • Hands-on experience with advanced techniques that merge science, spirituality, and technology.
  • A comprehensive set of downloadable materials to support your ongoing learning journey.

Whether you're a complete beginner or a seasoned practitioner, this course offers a multi-dimensional learning experience that combines scientific understanding, spiritual growth, and practical application.

To ENROLL in this self-paced online course, CLICK HERE.

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