Pulsor® Galacticals, Primordials and 5 Elements
aura bath baby sleep dimensional doors emotional detox emotional release energy healing environmental clearing five elements galacticals healing crisis mental clearing merkabah formation oro bath planentary blocks primordials primordials activity pulsor pulsor healing - microcrystals pulsor healing - scalar waves scalar wave spinal column spiritual energy star of david stimulation relaxation vortex centers
Pulsor® Galacticals, Primordials and 5 Elements
Welcome to the third and final installment of our groundbreaking Pulsor® Class Series! In this advanced course, you will dive deep into the world of scalar waves, microcrystals, and energy healing.
Why This Course?
- 🌈 Unique Focus: This is the only course that combines the five elements series with Galacticals and Primordials, the most powerful of the Pulsors.
- 🧬 Scientific Foundation: Learn about scalar waves, discovered by Dr. George Yao, and their incredible potential for human energy and healing.
- 🎯 Hands-On Experience: Work with Pulsors equipped with four different frequencies to experience firsthand their effects on your body.
What You'll Learn
- How to interact Pulsors with various organs for holistic healing.
- The science behind scalar waves and their interaction with microcrystals.
- Techniques to shift the energy triangulation in your body for targeted healing.
- Advanced applications of Pulsors, including their potential impact on the digestive system, kidneys, and more.
Who Is This For?
- Individuals who have completed the basic and intermediate Pulsor classes.
- Anyone interested in the advanced study of scalar waves and energy healing.
- Health professionals looking to add another dimension to their healing practices.
To ENROLL in this self-paced online course, CLICK HERE.
All Topics 13th body 32 paths abandonment triggers abba and ima activate light active will acu-pulsor spin tester adam kadmon addiction patterns adjustment process adonai prayer adrenal glands advanced bridges ageless wisdom ain soph akasha college alchemy alcohol burning alien implants all-seeing eye alzheimer's challenges amethyst amethyst geode anchoring points angel set angel testers angelic codes angels hierarchy antahkarana - rainbow bridge archangel michael archangels ari's insights arizal system artificial joints ascension path assertiveness training astral bodies astral body astral cap astral critters astral entanglement astral entanglements astral plane astral projection astrological associations astrological signs astrology aura assessment aura bath aura concepts aura exercise aura layers aura repair aura strengthening auric tears aurion sof autism baby sleep balance and discrimination balance stability balanced breathing balancing hands banishing pentagram banishing pentagrams basic diagnosis beam on beam beyonder - indigo grid beyonder empowerments beyonder modality beyonder six bija mantras bina biofield therapy black hole black holes blessing oil blessing water blockage clearing blockage detection blood stone blue light blue violet bo hu body scanning bodyguard role bonito white brain wave frequencies breaking patterns bridge activation bridge alignment bridges activation broken bones candle symbolism capricorn materialism causal body cellular level celtic weave center energy circuit chakra assessment chakra blaster chakra clearing chakra plates chakra reconnection chakra restructuring chakra webbing chakras change and truth channel blockages chanting power chanukah prayer chariot charioteer charoite dispelling cherubim types childhood trauma choirs of angels (categorization) christ body christ consciousness christian kabbalah christian tradition chrysoprase repair circulation enhancement circulatory system citrine spinel clairaudience claircognizance clairsentience clairvoyance clear quartz clearing room clearing vibration client protection client trance client's tree clipot techniques clipote removal cochlear implants colon issues color associations color healing color therapy colored light coloring instructions compassion balance completion and indigestion concrete thinking concurrent lives connection points coordinator role core light core star corporeal man corpus callosum cosmic consciousness counter transference craniosacral waves creation (briyah) creation ex nihilo creation process creation reasons creation simultaneous creative energies creative force creative imagination crystal activation crystal balls crystal bowls crystal chakra plate crystal cleaning crystal cleansing crystal contamination crystal elixir crystal grid crystal healing crystal layout crystal layouts crystal plates crystal programming crystal properties crystal purification crystal recharging crystal resonance crystal seminar crystal shield crystal sword crystal sword empowerment crystal tuner crystal tuning crystal tuning fork crystal usage cups cups meditation curse removal daat dan tien dark angels dark archangel dark mental thought deactivate pattern dead twin energy death symbolism delta brainwave delta pulsor delta thunderbolts dementia healing dense energies depth desire center desiring energy devil symbolism diamond bridge dimensional barriers dimensional doors dimensional healing dimensional shifting dimensional shifts dissociation distance healing distance healing techniques divine activity divine feminine divine fire divine heart divine light divine love divine name divine names divine presence divine service divine spark divine thought divine trinity divine truth divine union divine will dna/theta healing doppelganger technique download new codes downward flow dragon shield dragon's breath dynamic form earth energy earth energy deficiency earth world egg under chin breathing (qi gong) egoic perspective electric white light electrical system element water elemental grounding elements elohim names emf neutralizer emfs emotional arousal emotional balance emotional body emotional boundaries emotional center emotional conflict emotional detox emotional energy emotional errors emotional intelligence emotional issues emotional paralysis emotional release emotional survival emotional trauma emotional tree emotions & body organ correlation empathetic cleansing empaths - highly sensitive people empathy emperor symbolism empowerment of fire empowerment of light empowerment of love empowerment of oneness empowerment of power empowerment of truth empowerment of word empress key endocrine system energetic hygiene energy barrier energy blockages energy clearance energy connection energy cords energy devices energy diffuser energy fields energy gloves energy grid energy healing energy machine energy machines energy meridians energy replenishment energy shield energy shields energy support energy tent enlightenment entangled fields environmental clearing environmental protection essences etheric bodies etheric body etheric energy etheric layers etheric nerves etheric nervous system etheric tissue euclase balancing eustress evil concepts ex nihilo exorcism process exorcism techniques expand energy experiential frame external lights extractor crystals extraterrestrial energies eye dysfunctions eye of horus facial work far field fear of change fear of devil feminine aspects feminine receptacle feminine waters feng shui fibonacci series field collapse field dynamics field maintenance field sensitivity field synchronization filaments finite separation fire body fire breath fire crown consciousness fire empowerment fire system fire triangle five element balancing five elements florida tango flower to bud fool key formation (yetzirah or heaven) four elements four worlds frankincense benefits free will freezing entity freezing system fukushima exposure future life healing galacticals gamma waves garden of eden gateway five gathering rose gematria gematria values gnostic view god eye god eye activation godliness gold crystals golden giant form golden mean golden pathway golden pathway reconnection gongs grace bestowed gradual unfolding great low green blue green light green tourmaline grounding crystals grounding focus grounding oil grounding stones grounding techniques group consciousness group energy group soul growth force guides discernment guiding power gut brain hall of patterns hand chakras healing blanket healing crisis healing crystals healing flame healing wounds heart assemblage heart brain heart center heart center response heart programming heart-based healers heart-lock technique heavens limitless hebrew letter hebrew letters hebrew vowels hebrew word helios energy hermetic symbol hermit hesed hesed crystals hesed in world hidden knowledge hidden knowledge empowerment hierarchy of superiority hierophant high priestess higher consciousness higher creativity higher self higher self anchoring higher sensory hochma hochma in bria hod hod and yesod hod to gevurah horizontal breaks human body human body mapping human dominion human service hybrid pulsor ignorance foundation illuminate vibration illumination illumination power implant removal implants removal implants tuning indigo grid infinite perfection infinite regression infra card infra gold pulsor inherited trauma inner / middle / far fields inner stars inner teacher insomnia relief intake exhaust intellectual relationships interior light internal lights internal scar tissue intuition intuition development intuition impact intuition mastery intuitive mind intuitive plane intuitive systems intuitive thinking inverted consciousness invocative healing ish milchamah israel sabah jacob's ladder jet lag relief jewish mysticism jewish perspective jewish tradition jubilee year judgment jupiter inner star justice and discrimination justice balance kabbalah kabbalah class kabbalah number kabbalah series kabbalah studies kabbalah study kabbalistic kabbalistic angels kabbalistic gateways kabbalistic healing kabbalistic interpretations kabbalistic literature kabbalistic practices kabbalistic roots kabbalistic teaching kabbalistic thought kabbalistic tradition kabbalistic tree of life kabbalistic worlds karma law keter keter in bria key 12 kidney pain kidney stone klipot koshi chimes kundalini energy labradorite generator landing / magnetic points laser body laughing buddha left hand leg cramps lending library libra symbolism life force life's purpose light angel light bodies light body cracks light body repair light empowerment light green energy light healing light of ain soph light transmutation lightning bolt lights of ma limitless love lineage healing linear model linear tree lion's breath liquid crystal liquid living crystal liver center love association love empowerment love of ain soph loving kindness loving love lower chakras lower creativity lower seven attributes lurianic kabbalah lymphatic clearing lymphatic congestion lymphatic drainage lymphatic gateways lymphatic system magenta bridge magic circle magician's wand magnetic field magnetic system major arcana major trumps mal hut energies malchut meditation malhut manifest universe manifestation process manipulation mantra chanting manufactured devices mars force masculine aspects masculine energy masonic symbol massage therapy master gateway 26 master gateways master healer master reset material matter materials distribution meditation activation meditation crystals meditation techniques meditative ascent meditative kabbalah meditative state meditative work mental bodies mental body mental body adjustment mental clearing mental level mercy merkabah formation merkabah practice merkabah ritual messianic age metal pie tin mineral vibrations minor arcana mitzvot importance modern kabbalah moon energy mother letters mudra mudra practices multi-dimensional shield multi-layered system muscle testing myofascial energetic length technique (melt) nefesh nefesh tree negative cords negative energies negative energy negative thought forms neoplatonic thinking neoplatonic view neptune planet nervous system reset neshema neshema level neshema tree net of living crystal netsoc neuro emotional technique (net) new growth nine depths norri healing nuclear power plant nukva discussion numerical values obsidian beaming octave interval olive branch oneness concept oneness empowerment oral torah orange yellow orion technique oro bath oscillating consciousness overtones palm leaves part sop themes partzuf composition partzuf roles partzufim partzufim theme passive will past life block past life contracts past lives path of coup path of dalit path of gimel path of het path of iron path of lamed path of men path of resh path of return path of vav path of wisdom pelvic center pendants pendulum pendulum diagnosis pentacles pentagram ritual pentagram symbolism perception enhancement perfect balance perfect harmony perfected pentacle personal cleaner personal grid personal grid empowerment physical discomfort physicalizing energy pineal gland pineal gland meditation planar blocks planentary blocks planting posts point seven pointed star poison release poison removal polarity centers polarity work portable cleaner positive spin power empowerment power source powerful angels practical kabbalah pranayama pranic healing priestly benediction primordial man primordials primordials activity programming shields prophecy prophetic position protective crystals protective energy psychic attack psychic attacks psychic hooks psychic protection psychic surgery pulsor pulsor healing - microcrystals pulsor healing - scalar waves pulsor® tree of life purifying energy purifying vibration puslor triangulation pyramid deployment quantum core quantum core consciousness quantum leap quantum shift quintessences rabbi abner weiss rabbi moses de leon radiance technique radiation damage rational mind realigning the fascia reason and result receptive power reciprocity reconnecting reconnecting strings rectification prayers red energy red garnet red light regenesis regenesis process regridding crystals regridding techniques relationship energy relationship issues relationship netsuke releasing fears remez level remote healing remove old codes removing viewing repair and repentance repairing energy grids rescue remedy resilience resistance rewire system root of soul rose quartz royal feast ruach level safe room safe space safe space two sage misuse salt water saturn limitation scalar wave scan and drain scanning and draining sciatic pain sciatica treatment scoocyte egg scorpio connection scrubbing bubbles secondary gain sefer bahir sefer yetzirah sefirot sefirot mapping selenite benefits self consciousness self healing self realization self-consciousness self-curses self-esteem self-forgiveness self-realization self-spinning pulsars self-spinning pulsor separation causes seraphim seraphim highest serpentine protection seven sacred systems sex energy sexual energy shattering vessels shell design shema meditation shield empowerment shield tuning shower head simulation concept sinus points sitra accra sixth chakra skin tight armor sleep space smokey quartz sod level sodalite radiation sophic dragons soul evolution soul frequency soul lessons soul levels soul line healing soul star soul star energy soul union soul's work sound current sound frequencies sound healing sound therapy space cleaners spectrum analysis speech creation sphenoid bone reset sphere road spherical model spherical spheroid spherical tree sphero to feeling spheroid of relationship sphinxes spinal alignment spinal column spine clearing spirit possession spiritual abundance spiritual ascension spiritual ascent spiritual aspirant spiritual blocks spiritual bodies spiritual body spiritual companionship spiritual consciousness spiritual cord spiritual coupling spiritual dimension spiritual energies spiritual energy spiritual enlightenment spiritual essence spiritual evolution spiritual faculties spiritual fire spiritual forces spiritual form spiritual growth spiritual guidance spiritual helpers spiritual humanity spiritual illumination spiritual initiation spiritual light spiritual link spiritual man spiritual protection spiritual rebirth spiritual restructuring spiritual stress relief spiritual traditions spiritual transcendence spiritual transformation spiritual unfoldment spiritual union spirituality impact spleen chakra spleen healing stabilize energy star body star body activation star of david stifled self-expression stimulation relaxation stress relief string healing string theory sub universe blocks subconscious direction subconscious messages subconscious mind subconsciousness substance and form subtle bodies subtle energy body sugilite uses suits sun energy super brain yoga super consciousness super silver theta super silver thetas supernal man sword symbolism swords sympathetic / parasympathetic nervous system system of vulnerability tan tien tan tiens tarot tarot deck tarot keys tavuna telepathy temperance ten dimensions tentacles tertiary colors tetragrammaton the book of illumination the norri method the radiance technique® (trt) the sedona method theoretical kabbalah therapeutic possession theta healing theta healing - ridder sequence theta meditation theta waves thetas third eye third eye activation thought empowerment throat chakra