
Introduction to Tarot I

alchemy archangels astral plane astrology chariot charioteer coloring instructions creative imagination divine feminine emperor symbolism enlightenment four elements four worlds hermit hierophant high priestess inner teacher intuition kabbalah life force magician's wand major arcana major trumps manifestation process meditation techniques minor arcana pointed star priestly benediction self consciousness sound current sphinxes spiritual consciousness spiritual guidance subconscious messages subconscious mind subconsciousness super consciousness tarot tarot deck traditional deck vivid colors white mountains white sun

Introduction to Tarot I

In this workshop, Ken Klee, will lead you through the Rider Tarot deck. You will be introduced to the Major Arcana and their correlating astrological, Kabbalistic, and alchemic designs.  

Tarot is an infinitely fascinating and complex world. With roots in Jewish Kabbalah, Alchemy, and Astrology, the path of Tarot reading doesn't solely deal with interpreting future events. In truth, beginning a relationship with Tarot sparks an intimate and powerful relationship with yourself - your intuition. Join Ken Klee and allow yourself to open to the deep and powerful knowing that the Major Arcana Tarot Keys can manifest within you.

What you'll receive:

  • Lifetime access to the four-part workshop series

  • Materials designed to educate and enrich you and your relationship with the Rider Tarot

** We highly recommend obtaining a traditional Rider Tarot deck before you begin traversing the workshop (available online through this link). For this workshop, it is sufficient to purchase the Major Arcana Tarot Keys, but you will need the Minor Arcana Tarot Keys for Introduction to Tarot Workshop II.


To ENROLL in this self-paced online course, CLICK HERE.

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