
Angels & Higher Sensory Perception

antahkarana - rainbow bridge archangels autism chakra clearing chakra webbing choirs of angels (categorization) clairaudience claircognizance clairsentience clairvoyance creation (briyah) dark angels empaths - highly sensitive people formation (yetzirah or heaven) seraphim telepathy
As we age, meditate, and raise our vibration, our higher sensory perceptions begin to open naturally. Trauma can also open a higher sensory perception by injuring the chakral webbing, but this is not the preferred method to develop these faculties. One of the natural consequences of higher sensory perception is to become aware of “invisible” entities such as elementals, nature spirits, and angels.

In this workshop, we will discuss and activate higher sensory perceptions and angels. This workshop is designed to teach and develop the student's higher sensory perceptions. In addition, the materials will list and describe a series of powerful angels that can be used in energy healing. The capacity to invoke the angels and the angelic essence will be transmitted to the student by Kenneth Klee.

When you make the decision to journey with these activations, you are saying yes to your innate gifts and spiritual power. This course may open up senses you have not yet before discovered. You will have this course as a tool to return back to as often as you'd like.

To enroll in this self-paced online course, CLICK HERE.

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